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Search kaafu-atoll.com Menu My Tooth Is Cracked: What Should I Do? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu My Tooth Is Cracked: What Should I Do? My Tooth Is Cracked: What Should I Do? Are you experiencing excruciating pain in your tooth every time you chew or drink something cold? It could be a sign of a cracked tooth! A cracked tooth is one of the most common dental problems that can cause discomfort and affect your overall oral health. But, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with our ultimate guide to

A cracked tooth is a break in the tooth that extends through the enamel and into the dentin. The crack can be caused by biting on hard objects, grinding your teeth, or eating hard foods. Symptoms of a cracked tooth include pain when chewing, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, and pain when pressure is applied to the tooth. If you think you have a cracked tooth, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. If the crack is left untreated, it can lead to further damage to the tooth and even inf

There are many possible causes of a cracked tooth, but there are three main culprits:

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