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Search Menu The Microorganisms That Live in Your Mouth Search Search for: Close search Close Menu The Microorganisms That Live in Your Mouth The Microorganisms That Live in Your Mouth ARE YOU AWARE THAT YOU HAVE LIVING MICROBIOMES IN YOUR BODY?

A microbiome is a community of many organisms so small we can’t see them with the human eye. You may have already heard about microorganisms at school, but they are important for digestion, germ protection, and even to produce nutrients that our bodies need to survive. Even though they may seem gross, they play a critical role in our bodies’ survival.

It is estimated that your mouth contains up to 700 different microorganisms. Some of these are good – they protect you from infection and help break down the food you eat. Others, on the other hand, can cause cavities, gum disease and other infections. Good bacteria in your mouth also help to fight the bad bacteria.