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Search Menu After getting a filling, can you smoke? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu After getting a filling, can you smoke? After getting a filling, can you smoke? As well as being bad for your health in general, smoking can also negatively impact your dental health. Because smokers are more likely to develop gum disease, cavities, and other oral health problems, many smokers end up having to have tooth fillings. Therefore, many smokers wonder if they can smoke after a fi

In general, you should wait at least 24 hours before smoking again to ensure that the filling has set and hardened correctly. In order to practice good oral hygiene, you should wait the recommended amount of time after getting a new filling to start smoking again. You are at risk of losing the filling if you smoke. You may also develop an infection at the filling site if you smoke.

Keeping your teeth clean requires brushing and flossing regularly if you must smoke. Don’t hesitate to ask your dentist or doctor any questions you might have regarding good oral hygiene or if it’s ok to smoke after getting a filling. Your individual situation will be taken into consideration by them when giving you advice.