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Search justonedrinklecture.com Menu What Are the Effects of Thumb Sucking on the Teeth and Mouth? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu What Are the Effects of Thumb Sucking on the Teeth and Mouth? What Are the Effects of Thumb Sucking on the Teeth and Mouth? “Are you or someone you know a chronic thumb-sucker? While this childhood habit may seem harmless at first, did you know it can have lasting effects on your teeth and mouth? In this blog post, we’ll uncover the truth about thumb sucking and explor

Most children start thumb sucking during their first year of life, and continue until age 4 or 5. However, some children continue to suck their thumbs beyond the preschool years.

Thumb sucking is a normal part of childhood development and is not generally harmful to your child’s teeth or mouth. However, if your child continues to suck their thumb beyond the age of 4 or 5, it can cause problems with the alignment of their teeth. Additionally, thumb sucking can lead to changes in the shape of your child’s mouth and palate (roof of the mouth).