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Search jzyjedu.com Menu Toothbrush Manufacture in China Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Toothbrush Manufacture in China Toothbrush Manufacture in China Toothbrush manufacture in China has become an important industry that has significantly contributed to the global market. The country has been known for its large scale production of various products, including toothbrushes. China is a leading producer and exporter of toothbrushes globally. The country’s toothbrush industry has continued to grow a

Toothbrush manufacturing is a complex process that involves multiple stages, including design, material selection, molding, bristle tufting, assembly, and packaging. The process begins with the design of the toothbrush. The design is based on consumer preferences and market trends. Once the design is finalized, the manufacturer selects the materials to be used, including the handle, bristles, and packaging.

The next stage is molding, where the handle is made. In China, toothbrush handles are usually made of plastic or bamboo. Plastic handles are made using injection molding machines, which can produce thousands of handles per day. The plastic pellets are melted and injected into a mold that gives the handle its shape. Bamboo handles are made using a CNC machine that carves the handle’s shape out of a bamboo stalk.

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