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Search Menu Why Healthy Teeth are Vital to Your Child’s Overall Health Search Search for: Close search Close Menu Why Healthy Teeth are Vital to Your Child’s Overall Health Why Healthy Teeth are Vital to Your Child’s Overall Health Parents know that taking care of their child’s health is a top priority. From ensuring they eat healthy foods to making sure they get enough exercise, there are numerous things parents can do to promote good health. However, one aspect of a child’s well-being that often

As a parent, you understand how important it is to keep your child healthy. But you may not realize that your child’s oral health is just as important as their physical health. Healthy teeth are vital to your child’s overall health for many reasons.

Your child needs healthy teeth for proper chewing and digestion. Chewing food properly helps to break down the food so that the nutrients can be absorbed into the body. If your child’s teeth are not healthy, they may not be able to chew food properly and could end up with digestion problems.

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