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Search jjkk56.com Menu A Parent’s Guide to Handling a Toddler’s Chipped Tooth Search Search for: Close search Close Menu A Parent’s Guide to Handling a Toddler’s Chipped Tooth A Parent’s Guide to Handling a Toddler’s Chipped Tooth As a parent, nothing is more nerve-wracking than seeing your little one in pain. And when it comes to dental emergencies, a chipped tooth can be especially stressful. But fear not! With this handy guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about handling the situation and kee

There are many causes of chipped teeth in toddlers. The most common cause is due to falls. Toddlers are constantly exploring their surroundings and often fall while doing so. Their teeth can take a direct hit when they fall, causing them to chip or break. Other common causes of chipped teeth in toddlers include biting on hard objects, using their teeth as tools, and cavities.

Cavities are the most preventable cause of chipped teeth in toddlers. Cavities form when bacteria in the mouth breaks down sugars and produces acids that eat away at the tooth enamel. This can happen if a toddler’s teeth are not properly cleaned or if they consume sugary drinks or snacks frequently. To help prevent cavities, be sure to brush your toddler’s teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste and have them see the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

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