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Search hbzq3.com Menu What Causes My Teeth to Be So Sensitive? Search Search for: Close search Close Menu What Causes My Teeth to Be So Sensitive? What Causes My Teeth to Be So Sensitive? Using desensitizing toothpaste isn’t always the solution for sensitive teeth. To have a more effective result, it’s important to know the source of sensitivity and dealing with that first. Utilizing a gentle toothbrush with some specialized toothpaste could be enough to heal the trouble, however something else might be cau

Having poor oral hygiene can cause gingivitis. Plaque buildup starts on the teeth and along the gum line, which aggravates and inflames the gums. Inflammation, redness, bleeding, and sensitivity are caused by this plaque buildup. If left untreated, gingivitis can eventually lead to periodontal disease and damage the supporting structures of the mouth irreversibly.

It is the decay of the teeth that causes chronic tooth sensitivity. When a tooth has a cavity in it, it creates a hole which continues to grow if left untreated, and as it grows, it gets closer and closer to the pulp/nerve of the tooth, which causes sensitivity to temperature and chewing. Sometimes people have cavities without feeling sensitivity or pain, which is why it’s crucial to visit the dentist regularly even if you don’t have cavities.

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