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Search discos4you.com Menu 5 ways to whiten your teeth Search Search for: Close search Close Menu 5 ways to whiten your teeth 5 ways to whiten your teeth Having healthy and sparkling white teeth is a sign of good health and personal hygiene. If you’re not satisfied with your pearly whites, there are certain things you can do at home to get a whiter smile without having to splurge for professional services. Before taking any action, however, it’s best to confer with your dentist for customized advice on your

When shopping for toothpaste, look for a whitening formula. Whitening products help to make dark spots less visible, and contain polishers, abrasives and bleaching agents – all in an easy-to-use form. Whilst it may take several months to see results, whitening toothpaste is still the most popular choice due to its convenience. Besides producing a brighter smile, its regular use helps to look after your teeth as part of your everyday oral care routine. So start now and maintain an enviably white smile with t

Over-the-counter whitening strips as well as professional whitening strips are usually more effective than toothpaste alone. Peroxides are used to whiten your smile quickly. As neither product is customized to your mouth and bite, you may not see the same results as others. If you have minor staining and want to brighten up your teeth quickly and inexpensively, strips work well.

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