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If you are reading this blog, you are probably seeking resolution to some health issues, perhaps excess weight or diabetes. We want you to know that, with a new way of thinking, you can change your health for the better. With good information comes the ability to make good decisions for yourself and your family.

Let’s get started, shall we? The facts we have learned over the past ten years are not new nor obscure, not radical nor unproven. They are available for everyone to discover, but one must be motivated and know where to look. The knowledge we present in our forthcoming book, Yes! to Fat , has been understood for a long time––much of it for as long as 150 years. What our doctors and nutrition authorities tell us, though, is far different. Bear with us. This information is vital to your well-being. The facts m

There is an intimate relationship between our diet and the disease we experience. Knowledge of the true nature of the connection is being withheld from us. Indeed, many doctors are unaware of the connection for rare is the physician who studied nutrition in medical school. For forty years, the science that explains what causes the disease and suffering that plague people the world over with increasing intensity and frequency has been intentionally disregarded. Those who profess to have studied this science

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