- Lactose-Free Girl

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I came across this recipe just as I had extra kale that I wanted to use up before it went bad. I ended up making the pesto and freezing it until I got around to making the rest of the dish. I changed the recipe a bit because I didn’t see myself eating a whole head of cauliflower and another of broccoli, in addition to the rest of the stuff in here, so I used broccolini instead of both of those. It’s technically a fall buddha bowl, but all those ingredients are available pretty much year-round! 

Est-ce que ça commence à faire longtemps que je n’ai pas parlé de Ricardo? Bon ben, voici sa recette de pâtes crémeuses sans produits laitiers . Ici, on obtient le « crémeux » grâce à des panais réduits en purée. Puisqu’ils ont un goût légèrement sucré, il est important d’utiliser la moutarde pour équilibrer le tout. J’ai utilisé 12 onces de pâtes protéinées de marque Barilla. C’était délicieux! 

These loaded veggie quesadillas were delicious! They were hearty and had protein and vegetables – what’s not to love? I just sliced the avocado instead of making guacamole. I used vegan Boursin and lactose-free sharp cheddar, but you could use a vegan substitute for that as well, or omit it if you want. And to make them gluten-free, just use gluten-free wraps! As for me, I used these new Olé Rising Xtreme Wellness keto wraps and really enjoyed them. 

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