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Instead, he could not get beyond these minor details—why she wore the dress, whence she had come, and whither she was bound. She laid her hand upon his arm. After all, what did it matter?—it or anything else in the world? She was within reach of his arms, beautiful, compelling, herself as it seemed suddenly conscious of the light which was burning in his eyes. This was a much more serious task than he anticipated.

Video ID: TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKGNvbXBhdGlibGU7IEdvb2dsZWJvdC8yLjE7ICtodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20vYm90Lmh0bWwpIC0gNjYuMjQ5Ljc1LjE5OSAtIDE3LTExLTIwMjMgMDI6MzE6MjggLSAxNTc3NTA5NjI1

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