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Well-balanced, sane, wasn’t I? You never heard anyone call me a madman? I’m pretty near being one now, and it’s her fault. ‘Why do you think I told you about the portrait? I’d not seen it, of course, but I’d seen Miss Mary just before she got married, which is when it was painted. Click the link below to join and download your free copy of FATED FOLLY http://eepurl. ‘What a fate he finds for me. ‘But of course.

Video ID: TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKGNvbXBhdGlibGU7IEV4YW1wbGUzLzEuMDsgK2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV4YW1wbGUzLmNvbS9kb21haW4vdGFrZXRvc2hpeXV0YWthLmNvbSkgLSAyYTAxOjdlMDA6OmYwM2M6OTNmZjpmZTczOjhkZTAgLSAxNy0xMS0yMDIzIDAzOjI5OjA1IC0gMTcwNDM1NDU3OQ==

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