eftuniverse.com - EFT Tapping Method - EFT Tapping Therapy - Emotional Freedom Technique

Description: EFT Universe empowers you via research-backed self-help tools, including eft tapping methods & therapy. Practice emotional freedom techniques with a practitioner now!

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{ "@context": "http://www.schema.org", "@type": "Organization", "name": "EFT Universe", "url": "https://eftuniverse.com/", "description": " Dawson Church, Ph.D., an integrative health care researcher and bestselling author whose book The Genie in Your Genes has been praised by critics as a breakthrough in our understanding of the relationship between emotions and genetics, created the EFT Universe community in 2010. His book Mind to Matter: The Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality

Whether you are looking for a new way to find balance in life and receive the healing you need in your life with EFT tapping therapy, want to learn more about the EFT tapping method and become a certified practitioner, or want to put on an event to introduce more people to this technique, EFT Universe has the resources you need.

Put simply, the emotional freedom technique means tapping to heal. This is the basis of the EFT tapping method, and it can benefit you in a number of different ways. EFT tapping therapy can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and it can be effective in treating headaches, fatigue, sleep problems, muscle tension, joint problems, and more. Many people also use tapping as a way to deal with and heal from trauma. The EFT tapping method for dealing with these things can also be practic

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