
Description: Small recipes cooked with great love

homemade (1339) recipe (817) ricette (311) granola (114) oat flakes (8) cucina sana (7) cucina per bambini (3) cucina semplice (2) cucinare con poco (1) ricette riciclo (1)

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Small recipes cooked with great love

As you may know, granola is not exactly popular for breakfast here in Italy. The classical Italian breakfast consists of cappuccino e cornetto, usually consumed in a cafè and, quite often, in a hurry. Needless to say, cappuccino and cornetto are delicious, but not very healthy, especially if they become a daily habit. Personally, I prefer to eat […]

Bonet (pronounced boonet) is a typical Italian dessert from Piedmont, a sort of flan or custard, extremely easy to make and absolutely delicious to eat, as only traditional sweets can be. It owes its name to the mould it was baked into, which was similar to the shape of of a hat, “bonet” in the […]

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