Description: Homepage of Chu Wei

artificial intelligence (3583) machine learning (3335) bioinformatics (424) gaussian processes (3)

Example domain paragraphs

We aim to get rid of the “pre-train & fine-tune” paradigm of vision transformer and train transformer based object detector from scratch. One of the key findings is that both architectural changes and more epochs play critical roles in training vision transformer based detectors from scratch.

Accurate estimation of post-click conversion rate is critical for building recommender systems, which has long been confronted with sample selection bias and data sparsity issues. We devise a principled approach named Entire Space Counterfactual Multi-task Modelling (ESCM2), which employs a counterfactual risk miminizer as a regularizer in ESMM to address both Inherent Estimation Bias and Potential Independence Priority issues simultaneously.

We propose a hierarchical contrastive learning mechanism, which can unify hybrid granularities semantic meaning in the input text. Concretely, we first propose a keyword graph via contrastive correlations of positive-negative pairs to iteratively polish the keyword representations. Then, we construct intra-contrasts within instance-level and keyword-level, where we assume words are sampled nodes from a sentence distribution. Finally, to bridge the gap between independent contrast levels and tackle the commo

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