tseregression.org - Time Series Extrinsic Regression

Example domain paragraphs

This website aims to support research into Time Series Extrinsic Regression (TSER) , a regression task of which the aim is to learn the relationship between a time series and a continuous scalar variable a task closely related to time series classification (TSC), which aims to learn the relationship between a time series and a categorical class label. We recommend you to read the paper for a detailed discussion of the datasets and their sources. If you use the results or code, please cite the paper "Chang W

The following table shows a list of time series extrinsic regression datasets. You can download the entire spreadsheet displayed below here and the whole dataset here (about 600 MB). The datasets are available in sktime .ts format. An example of loading the data can be found in our github repository .

The results page shows some baseline on these data using typical regressors.

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