- Integral Reflections

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Integral Reflections offers an extension of the ideas presented in "Holism and Complementary Medicine." These include the will to healing at personal, social, spiritual and environmental levels, the discussion of textual sources from which intellectual and spiritual nourishment can be drawn, the maintenance of a watching brief on the turbulent currents that course through the present times, and the exploration of poetic consciousness as a transmitter of the deeper dimensions of human experience.

The full PDF of Fallen Leaves. An Autumn Chronicle VI can be accessed here .

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina is one of the most remarkable men of the 20th century. As discomforting as it may be to many, the life of Padre Pio profoundly reflects the essential truth carried in the Christian understanding of human embodiment. As one who bore the wounds of the crucified Christ, he shares this witness with others such as St. Francis of Assisi and Therese Neumann, each of whose lives challenged the certainty of what had been considered to be the limits of the possible.

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