- Dante's Ghost

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We live in a time when sources of poetic wisdom have been overtaken and overshadowed, when familiarity with the questings and the offerings of poets has receded to the domains of the classroom and specialist sections of the weekend press. Dante's Ghost offers a revisitation and voiced expression of the works of selected poets with a view to awakening a greater awareness and enjoyment of their style and message. And both text and audio of original pieces will also be offered.

As another year draws to a close, we once again celebrate Christmas together as a family and - for the adults of our household - continue with the well-established tradition of exchanging representations of each other rather than purchasing gifts. 

Fathersong III is my Christmas offering to our first-born, Nico. It reflects a little of the unforeseeable transformation that the the arrival of a longed-for child brings, and is as a song of thanks for the received grace and privilege of participating in our life as a family.  

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