- PyGSP: Graph Signal Processing in Python — PyGSP 0.5.1 documentation

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The PyGSP is a Python package to ease Signal Processing on Graphs . It is a free software, distributed under the BSD license, and available on PyPI . The documentation is available on Read the Docs and development takes place on GitHub . (A Matlab counterpart exists.)

The PyGSP facilitates a wide variety of operations on graphs, like computing their Fourier basis, filtering or interpolating signals, plotting graphs, signals, and filters. Its core is spectral graph theory, and many of the provided operations scale to very large graphs. The package includes a wide range of graphs, from point clouds like the Stanford bunny and the Swiss roll; to networks like the Minnesota road network; to models for generating random graphs like stochastic block models, sensor networks, Er

The following demonstrates how to instantiate a graph and a filter, the two main objects of the package.

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