- Intel® Open Image Denoise

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Moana Island Scene rendered at 8 samples per pixel with Intel® OSPRay and denoised with Intel® Open Image Denoise using prefiltered albedo and normal buffers. Publicly available dataset courtesy of Walt Disney Animation Studios. Hover over the image (or tap on it) to move the slider between the original and denoised versions.

Intel Open Image Denoise is an open source library of high-performance, high-quality denoising filters for images rendered with ray tracing. Intel Open Image Denoise is part of the Intel® oneAPI Rendering Toolkit and is released under the permissive Apache 2.0 license .

The purpose of Intel Open Image Denoise is to provide an open, high-quality, efficient, and easy-to-use denoising library that allows one to significantly reduce rendering times in ray tracing based rendering applications. It filters out the Monte Carlo noise inherent to stochastic ray tracing methods like path tracing, reducing the amount of necessary samples per pixel by even multiple orders of magnitude (depending on the desired closeness to the ground truth). A simple but flexible C/C++ API ensures that

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