embree.github.io - Intel Embree

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Intel® Embree is a high-performance ray tracing library developed at Intel which supports x86 CPUs under Linux, macOS, and Windows; ARM CPUs on macOS; as well as Intel® Arc™ GPUs under Linux and Windows. Embree targets graphics application developers to improve the performance of photo-realistic rendering applications and is optimized towards production rendering. Embree is released as open source under the Apache 2.0 License . We strongly encourage users of Intel® Arc™ A-Series Graphics to update the Intel

Starting with Embree 4.2.0 the Intel GPU support through SYCL is no longer in beta phase. Please read documentation section "Embree SYCL Known Issues" for SYCL limitations and section "Upgrading from Embree 3 to Embree 4" for details on how to upgrade to this Embree version.

Embree supports hardware accelerated ray tracing on Intel GPUs through the SYCL programming language for excellent GPU rendering performance.

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