- John Medd

Example domain paragraphs

It all started in 2010; and by 'it' I mean this blog

Summery and sun-drenched. Two words that describe perfectly my recent getaway to Belfast; James and I had had this boys trip/spiritual homecoming in our diaries for the longest time. And so last Thursday we pointed the car in the direction of the Irish Sea. Give a me a wee while and I'm sure I'll get around to dropping a couple of photos and sharing some of my memories from our mini odyssey.  And not just the Guinness fuelled ones. Grand.

In the meantime, where was I? Oh, yes - summery and sun-drenched . Two words that have been used in many a review of this exceptionally talented  Australian born  musician: Joel Sarakula grew up in Sydney, plied his trade in London for over ten years and now resides In Las Palmas. As he said when I saw him live last week: ''My islands are diminishing.'' Unlike  his uncanny talent of writing perfect pop songs. Even when the sun goes down, seemingly.

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