- The Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis

Example domain paragraphs

Our universe was born forth from a rotating white hole, which itself had just been born, in the heart of what later came to be the Eridanus Supervoid . This is evident by the vortex spiral pattern of the large scale anisotropies found in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation by both WMAP and Planck . Specifically we see two large scale anisotropies spiralling into towards the Cold Spot upon the resultant maps of the microwave sky. This twin spiral pattern has the same geometry and shape as the flow of g

A kilonova is a transient astrophysical event that occurs when a pair of compact bodies, such as a pair of neutron stars, collide. The resultant collision produces a pair of short gamma ray bursts and the resultant birth of a new black hole.

The Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis looks to describes the birth of our universe resulting from an equivalent kilonova event from inside the Superverse . The Big Bang Kilonova Hypothesis builds upon the numerous arguments and cases I have made in developing the Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis . Specifically, that fractal geometry is the cosmological principle and that self-similar patterns repeat themselves irrespective of scale. A foundational reason for proposing a hypernova as a mechanism for the Big Bang cam

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