- The Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis

Example domain paragraphs

The Big Bang Hypernova Hypothesis tells the story of how and why our universe was born into existence through the lens of fractal geometry . A hypernova , following the death of a massive star, is the single most explosive event inside our universe which follows a very specific pattern of behaviour. Driven by the accelerated rotation of the collapsing star’s core charged plasma induces a solenoid magnetic field which shapes a pair of astrophysical jets. Coupled to this the core collapses so completely upon

A self-similar object is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself and is a common feature of fractal patterns. Scale-invariance is an exact form of self-similarity where at any magnification there is a smaller piece of the object that is similar to the whole.

By studying the single most explosive event inside our universe, a hypernova , we gain a template from which we can understand the greatest of all explosions: the Big Bang . By understanding how the Big Bang’s gravitational singularity was born we look to a hypernova as it is the only template in nature we have in which a gravitational singularity is actually born. Namely, a black hole!

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