zorbit.world - Zorbit World

Description: Your home in the metaverse

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We redefine the way you work, shop, dine, play & earn, socialize and learn. Our objective is to create a more connected community where what you do in Zorbit can actually impact your day to day life.  For example, when you purchase a pair of sneakers in Zorbit, you can have the exact same pair of sneakers delivered to your house. Book airplane tickets to your favorite destinations, study at a University and earn an actual university degree in the form of an NFT, and much more.

An ever-growing community where you can create your own business within the metaverse alongside 1000+ other land owners. Zorbit has an open world environment with in-house developed cities, nature, games, and landmarks, and also empty plots for users to buy, sell, and rent.

Plots 1000+