zoomwhales.com - Whales - What is a Whale?- EnchantedLearning.com

Description: Whales are large aquatic mammals that breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish which breathe using gills). They live their entire lives in water. They are the only mammals, other than manatees (seacows), that live their entire lives in the water. They give birth to live young which are nourished with milk from their mothers - they don't lay eggs. Whale calves can swim at or soon after birth.

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SIZE The biggest whale is the blue whale , which grows to be about 94 feet (29 m) long - the height of a 9-story building. These enormous animals eat about 4 tons of tiny krill each day, obtained by filter feeding through baleen. Adult blue whales have no predators except man. The smallest whale is the dwarf sperm whale which as an adult is only 8.5 feet (2.6 m) long. The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth. It is larger than any of the dinosaurs were. They are also the loudest a

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