zonizer.com - Zonizer

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(current) ZON I ZER CREATE . PROVIDE . MANAGE . MONITOR Explore Request a Demo About Us Zonizer, is a system solution for event crowd management companies. This application, which is designed to plan, organize, and operate ushers and all types of organizers. We are currently targeting event crowd management companies and their ushers. This solution provides comprehensive event crowd management tools, where the businesses will have full access to the features of the system to facilitate their business operat

Show More YOUR VISION . . . . . . OUR INNOVATION WEB APP Event Crowd Management The Zonizer website is a portal where organazing companies can create, plan, manage, monitor, and get feedback on their event. From this portal, they will create their projects, invite the freelancers and finalize their financial payments.

MOBILE APP For Freelancers Tasks The Zonizer mobile app is available on iOS and Android stores. It serves freelancers who are willing to join the company which is holding the event. From this mobile app, the freelancer has the option to accept or reject the invitation.

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