zoeticjourney.com - Anastasia Allington Sex and Intimacy Coach Austin, TX Zoetic Journey

Description: The power of touch and connection can be experienced and practiced in a nourishing, professional environment. Anastasia Allington offers both somatic sex and intimacy coaching as well as professional cuddling therapy at Zoetic Journey in Austin, TX.

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Have you ever thought of being so present in your body that everything else falls away?  Have you ever thought that life could be  more than you've experienced?  Have you ever imagined.....that there could be more?

Let's create a space where you can begin exploring the transformative power of energy.  What I share with you is work I have experienced in my own life and, guess what? The destination is not the only exciting part - so is the journey! 

Zoetic means "vital, living" and that's what we all deserve.   The choice to live a vital, juicy life.  One full of passion, purpose, and intention. Once we make the decision to start down that path, there is often work to be done and this is where you and I will meet.  The body is intelligent and capable of restoring and renewing itself through breath, touch, and rest.