zikaplan.org - From urgent response to long-term capacity • ZikaPLAN

Description: A global initiative to address research challenges posed by the Zika outbreak and build a sustainable response capacity in Latin America

health (20277) research (8551) global (3930) latin america (398) capacity (358) zika (40) zikaplan (1)

Example domain paragraphs

arrow-right arrow-up back-arrow checklist close Asset 5 cpd-clock cpd-competencies cpd-cv-build cpd-key Asset 3 cpd-other-points cpd-previous-skills cpd-question-mark reject2 cpd-skills cpd-step-complete cpd-submit cpd-updated-skills ddpm-close ddpm-star envelope facebook files globe graph linkedin member menu node-triangle-borderless node-triangle plus pm-clinical pm-cmc pm-collapse pm-delivery pm-download pm-expand pm-global-access pm-info pm-partners pm-regulatory pm-research pm-strategy rounded-arrow-ri

The draft WHO guidance for best practices for clinical trials is now open for public consultation. It was developed in response to a request to the WHO Director-General in resolution WHA75.8 to support strengthening of trial capabilities, infrastructures and ecosystems; this document intends to provide guidance on planning, conduct, analysis, oversight, interpretation and funding of trials using randomisation to assess effects of any health intervention for any purpose in any setting. Your expertise can hel

P ublic consultation on WHO guidance for best practices for clinical trials