ziccardi.eu - Giovanni Ziccardi - Professor Giovanni Ziccardi

Description: Giovanni Ziccardi is Professor of Legal Informatics at the University of Milan, Italy. Giovanni Ziccardi è Professore di Informatica Giuridica presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano.

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Giovanni Ziccardi (1969) is Professor of “ Legal Informatics ” at the University of Milan , Italy, where he is also the Director of the Information Society Law Center (ISLC). He was  Jean Monnet Professor (from 2019 to 2022) of “European Union Data Protection, Data Governance and Cybersecurity”,

Still in Milan, he is Professor of “ Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Law “, Member of the Ethical Committee and of the Data Protection Committee of the University, Founder and Director of the post-graduate Courses in “ Computer Crimes and Digital Investigations ” and in “ Legal Tech and Coding for Lawyers ” and co-founder (with Prof. Danilo Bruschi and Prof. Maddalena Sorrentino) of the Master in Cybersecurity.

Outside Milan, he is Professor of “ Computer Crimes ” at the Master in Legal Informatics of the University of Bologna (at CIRSFID ).