zemlyanka-v.com - Military antiques ZEMLYANKA

Description: Military antiques ZEMLYANKA

military antiques zemlyanka (1)

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Это легкий и удобный способ пополнить личную коллекцию, порадовать близких и друзей оригинальным подарком

Chain stores antique weapons and military antiques ZEMLYANKA company opened its first antique store in Voronezh in 2006? Which gave birth to a net of similar shops throughout Russia. The second shop was opened in Moscow in 2008. «Expert Bureau» Project was launched in Voronezh on December 1, 2009 where the collectors can have an advice of the leading experts on antiques and make a formal examination of their belongings. Thus, for seven years ZEMLYANKA company which started as a small shop has become a sort

The Restoration workshop at our store is always busy, with heavy workload, e.g., the recovered weapons of the Second World War which nowadays adorn the museums and private collections. A separate field of our business is the manufacture of cold steel mass-dimensional mock-ups for sale, sales of weapons and accessories and a search for the parts for MMG. Maybe you have a Maxim machine gun, but you have no mock ribbon with cartridges for it. Do, e-mail us – and we will help you. You may have a nice revolver,

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