- Zah Yest Setting - The Path of Resistance TTRPG Campaign


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This is the official website for the Zah Yest setting featured in The Path of Resistance tabletop RPG campaign. In its forgotten language "Yest" means "this," and Zah Yest is "this heavenly body"--a theory for our ancient Earth with Rodinia (pre-Pangea) and multiple planes. Instead of millions of vanilla shadow universes where you had a bad hair day and everything else was the same, there is a Hyphersphere--a series of cohesive meaningful planes that were created with purpose, as an electrical transformer b

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2023-01-27 The SRD licensor has released the SRD 5.1 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Therefore, there is a new release of the book! Due to the new development, the push to print will resume more quickly. Download a version dated January 27, 2023 or later to take advantage of the new license with SRD content that is explicitly irrevocable.

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