- 雲林SONG

Description: A blog about arduino, raspberry pi, programming, 3D modeling, Scratch, TinkcerCAD, math, STEAM, and maker project.

Example domain paragraphs

程式設計可以改變您的未來(Programming can change your future)。 雲林SONG 全名為雲林軟體工程(SOftware eNGineering),目標致力於軟體人才的培養並推廣開源軟體落實於資訊教育。程式設計的觀念是軟體產品的基礎,程式碼就像沙子一樣,要紮實,所建立出來的高塔才會穩固。本站也提供資訊教育相關的教學資源。 YunlinSONG stands for Yunlin SOftware eNGineering, offering tutorial for computer programming and promoting open-source software. Teaching resources in information technology education are provided here.


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