yujiroh.com - Yuji Roh

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Biography I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Data Intelligence Lab of KAIST EE and advised by Professor Steven Euijong Whang. I received B.S. in electrical engineering from KAIST in 2018. I am a recipient of the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship 2 022 . 

My main research area is Responsible & Safe AI, which includes fairness, robustness, interpretability, and transparency. I believe that these aspects will be indispensable in future machine learning systems. Among these aspects, I am especially interested in building fair AI systems that do not have demographic or individual disparities. To this end, I currently focus on lowering the barrier of fair AI development, achieving multiple aspects of trustworthiness, and building human-centered fair AI systems.

I am a research intern at Google DeepMind & YouTube this summer, working with wonderful mentors. Previously, I was a research intern at NVIDIA Research in 2022.  

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