yuegong.netlify.app - Yue Gong

Description: yue gong is a 4th-year PhD student majoring in computer science at the university of chicago (uchicago). yue gong enjoys building and learning systems! Her research interest lies in database system including big data management, query optimization and data integration.

computer (11311) system (3715) database (3571) computer science (1231) uchicago (18) sustech (8) query optimization (2) yue gong (1) gong yue (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Hi, I am a third-year PhD student majoring in computer science at The University of Chicago.

I am a member of UChicago Chidata group supervised by Prof. Raul Catro Fernandez . Before that, I was a member of SUSTech DBgroup supervised by Prof.Bo Tang . I also used to be a research intern at ISG-Group in UCI supervised by Prof.Michael Carey and Wail Alkowaileet .

My research interest mainly falls on the database system including big data management, query optimization, and data integration. My goal is to boost the performance of data-intensive systems through simple and novel algorithms as well as develop tools that can solve real problems facing by the industry.

Links to yuegong.netlify.app (1)