- Making youth baseball instruction easy

Description: I'll make you a more effective youth baseball coach, parent or administrator wihtout investing alot of your precious time. After all.. You're busy!

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Making Youth Baseball Instruction Easy for Coaches, Parents and Administrators google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";;google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280;

I know you're busy. Life's hectic. However, you want to make the most of teaching youth baseball skills to your team, child or youth organization. This site will make it easy, while reducing the amount of time you must invest, to be a more effective coach, teacher, parent or administrator of youth baseball players.

I'll show you how to become a more effective coach and teacher with techniques, skills and drills I've used over the past 25 years as a player and coach. Even better, you'll not have to spend numerous hours of research and learning on-line, in the library or at clinics. I'll bring it all to you right here in this easy to use one-stop-shop!