- YouSoRock: Brain Injury Recovery

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Acceptance is freedom and resistance is pain. When we radically accept our reality no matter how bad or good, that is when we allow ourselves to open up to new possibilities and meaning in our lives.

On August 4, 2016, I suffered a major hemorrhagic stroke. Thankfully I survived and most of my major deficits healed, but I still have many cognitive issues and tremors in my right hand. My 1:1 coaching program's goal is to guide brain injury survivors through the ups and downs of recovery and provide tools to help with coping and thriving.

"Joe has done so much for the brain injury community. Our four individualized sessions were so inspirational and he gave great advice & suggestions on how to organize things to improve life for a brain injury survivor - me. The guided meditations were great too. I still use them occasionally. Overall the Neuronerds podcast is also indispensable for every brain injury and stroke survivor too. I don’t know where Joe gets the energy to do all these things but I’m really thankful that he does. I highly recommen

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