- Yours Truly

Example domain paragraphs

 Wow - it's been a long time since I've updated this blog.  I went off social media at the beginning of the year and am now easing back with instagram.  I also think there are some changes with blogger coming up soon so I don't even know if you'll be receiving emails when I do post.  So if you're on instagram, I hope you pop on over and follow me there at @yourstrulybydiana

The other reason I have not been posting as much is because I picked up another hobby - crocheting and I've become a total yarn addict.  Will I use much of what I make? I actually don't know but I do love making pretty things.  It's also gardening season so there's that also!  

But I did pop into my craft room to make a special card for our BSF teaching leader for her retirement as she starts something new.  I created the verse digitally and then added all my favorite dies to it - the butterflies just went perfectly with the new theme.  Poppystamps and Memory Box always were my favorite butterfly die designers and I never tire of using them.

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