- Alkaline Keto Diet Resources - Your Eternal Health with Laura Rimmer

Description: Get your FREE Keto Alkaline Foods List and thrive with the keto diet. Printable keto recipes, easy keto meal plan and Keto Life 30-day coaching program.

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This site is all about how truly great the ‘ketogenic’ (plus ‘alkaline’) diet is and what it can do for you. But before we start, picture the scenario…

You know that feeling at around 3pm… You’re sat at your desk, another few hours of work to go and you get that mid-afternoon slump. An hour or so after lunch, your sandwich is digesting and it’s doing its best to put you into a food coma… Or at the very least, beckoning you to take a little nap.  A 20 minute snooze would be just the ticket but since you have an office of co-workers, emails to reply to and phone calls to make, it’s not really a viable option.  (Unless you’re in Spain, win!)  So you choose th

Caffeine + Sugar = just enough of an artificially-stimulated energy hit to see you through until home time. Done. Sound familiar? I know it was for me for a long time. But what if there was a better way to get through your day, week, life – with higher and stable energy levels? [And before you throw your cookie at me, I’m not suggesting you give up coffee…no, the Lord has created this delightful little bean for all of us to enjoy!] But what if you could get rid of the spikes and dips in sugar levels that ma

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