- – a lifestyle blog

Description: A lifestyle blog like every other blog, but this one's different. Or maybe not. But probably? But likely not. Who cares?

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So, Idaho Springs, CO is one of the wildest places I’ve ever lived. I lived in Dallas for four years and witnessed an active break-in across the street wherein the suspect was hanging out of a second-story window claiming, “I’M INNOCENT! I’M INNOCENT!” while a half-dozen armed officers watched and yelled back at him from the front yard. But somehow, Idaho Springs is even more buck wild than that.

Anyway, Scraps-to-Soil, a neighborhood composting group, puts on the Pumpkin Smash each year. (They’re rebuilding our community garden right now and I am PSYCHED! It’s coming along so quickly!) The idea of the Pumpkin Smash is that Idaho Springs and the surrounding areas will bring their used jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins from Halloween to the event and SMASH them with all the unbelievable tools available. From the mild and common baseball bat to the homemade long-arm smasher hooked to the back of a tow truc

When the smashin’ is done, instead of ending up in the landfill, the remains are composted and recycled. (Wonder if some of this compost will end up in our community garden?) NPR claims that about one-fifth of the 1.91 billion (!!!) pumpkins grown each year are actually eaten , which means the other four-fifths emit a shit-ton of greenhouse gas emissions in the landfill. In short, es no bueno. Plus, I just like beatin’ shit up.

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