- Bulk Billing for Concession card & Kids U16 | Frankston

Description: Experience personalised care. We offer bulk billing GP services for concession card holders and children under 16. Book an appointment with us today!

frankston medical centre | frankston doctors (1)

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Important centre information Our medical centre is currently operating to reduced staffing levels and we are fielding a high volume of enquiries due to the current COVID-19 situation. Please treat our staff and health care professionals with respect during this difficult time, and check our website for our hours of operation, as they may have changed.

Our medical centre does not perform COVID-19 testing. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and are seeking medical advice, please book a telehealth appointment online. You may receive a call for your appointment from a private number.

If you are seeking advice regarding self-isolation rules, public health orders and COVID-19 testing, please go to