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Description: Is your best source for news, rumors, spoilers, media and video about DC Universe's new and returning show, Young Justice Outsiders.

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We did it! We made it to the season finale, and what a finale it was. So many things were wrapped up, but in true YJ fashion many things were left to wonder about, to speculate on, without and without tin foil hats. No cliffs were hung with the ending, but definitely things were teased in massive ways. Let’s talk about them!

We open the finale right where we left off last episode in the middle of Metropolis with Dru Zod doing his best to explain why isn’t all that bad, or rather that he will be the god of earth aka New Krypton and to kick things off Superboy will need to kill Superman. We cut back to the North Pole where Nightwing stumbles out of the fortress to see the carnage of the wrecked bio ship, but that fades to M’gann showing it to be an illusion and Nightwing letting her in on his own illusion. The two break down how

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