- Young Fashion zone -

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Colourful fashion trends of India With the end of the 20th century came the end of all hype which has created a more practical and pragmatic environment and has given a more stable picture of the fashion business. In the 50s, 60s and 70s, the Indian fashion scenario wasn’t exactly colorless. It was exciting, stylish […]

As fashion and plus size evolve into a recognized and (soon-to-be) respected segment in fashion, so do the idiosyncrasies and nuances of fashion itself, as it pertains to plus size. You see, ten years ago, plus size only belonged in one lump segment, leaving us fashionistas with very little or if any options for shopping […]

Indian fashion has changed with each passing era. The Indian fashion industry is rising by leaps and bounds, and every month one witnesses some new trend or the other. India’s economic growth also had a major impact on fashion trends. The ever increasing purchasing power of the middle class has brought fashion within easy reach […]