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The World Around Young Climate Prize is a biannual hybrid award and mentorship program that aims to amplify and accelerate the impact of global climate-change focused projects by pairing 25 young climate leaders under 25 years old with their own mentor from the global design and architecture community. Between January and March 2023 the cohort attended a bespoke academy program of talks and skills workshops then re-submitted their projects to an independent international jury. Three winners were flown to th

Our Young Climate Voice is Pamela Elizarrarás Acitorés, 24, from Mexico (@pamela__EA). Under the mentorship of Mariana Pestana, a Portuguese architect and independent curator, Acitores developed her project Climate Words. a growing online database that promotes climate literacy by curating an extensive lexicon of keywords submitted by experts climate activists. Through Climate Words, Acitores focuses on bridging the gap in climate knowledge as well as improving global education. The Young Climate Prize jury

Pamela said about her experience "The World Around mentorship has been an exciting experience for improving our project and I am grateful for the insightful guidance and feedback I received during these three months. I am excited to present my work alongside the talented young environmentalists in the cohort and honored for Climate Words to have been awarded the Young Climate Voice Award. We are ready to further expand the project with Earth Day as healthy and motivating momentum."  

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