yogiamandeepsingh.com - YOGI Amandeep

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Yogi Amandeep Singh M.Sc, MA. is a master in ancient Himalayan yogic science and it’s applications in modern world. He is a psychotherapist, counsellor and a leading authority in comparative religious studies. He is currently angel adviser to a neurological research project on pain management, as well as to the European Union (Interreg South Baltic Programme) for Well-being Tourism.

Sit, breathe, be. This opens an energetic container that teaches the way of the heart: practical devotion, gratitude, reverences, dedication, service and compassion. Without a phenomenal awareness of energy, and the ability to create a vessel for it, true yoga cannot be experienced.

International Outreach | Yogi Amandeep has taught in more than 20 countries and close to 100 cities across the globe. He shares ancient teachings from the Himalayan traditions by combining psycho-spiritual techniques with modern developments in emotional and psychological transformation. His workshops are unique and highly effective in dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and emotional traumas.

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