- Isha Hatha | Yoga Sandhya | Weimar

Description: Isha Hatha Yoga Kurse und Workshops in Weimar Lerne Angamardana, Surya Kriya, Yogasanas und viele weitere Yoga Übungen In Weimar bei Yoga Sandhya

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Isha Hatha Yoga programs are an unparalleled opportunity to learn practices derived from a yogic tradition maintained in its full purity and vibrancy for thousands of years. The classes will be conducted by highly trained teachers and will offer classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. They are not taught merely for physical fitness and strength. They are a holistic process of naturally achieving a certain mastery over the body and mind, so as to come to a state of health, joy, and bliss. They

Namaskaram, I am Katrin, a trained Classical Hatha Yoga Teacher from Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, South India. I underwent 1750 transformative hours of intense training in 2018.