ykondi.net - Yashvanth Kondi's Homepage

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Yash vanth Kondi

Welcome! I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Cryptography and Security Group at Aarhus University , where I am hosted by Claudio Orlandi . My research interests lie in decentralized systems that secure information in use . In particular, I study the design of cryptographic protocols with a focus on Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC), and Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. One area of my research that is of immediate practical relevance is threshold cryptography, which is used to remove single points of failure

Welcome! I am Principal Scientist at Silence Laboratories (employed by Deel). My research interests lie in decentralized systems that secure information in use . In particular, I design cryptographic protocols with a focus on Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC), and Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. As one example, my work on the DKLs series of threshold ECDSA protocols is used to secure digital assets by removing single points of failure via MPC. News Nov : Excited to start as Principal Scientist at Silence Labo

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