yiqunchen.github.io - Yiqun T. Chen

Description: Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

data science (1571) biostatistics (140) llm for science (1)

Example domain paragraphs


Yiqun Chen (pronunciation here ) is a Data Science Fellow at Stanford University, working with Professor James Zou on machine learning for biomedical data. He obtained his PhD in Biostatistics at the University of Washington, advised by Professor Daniela Witten . His dissertation focuses on leveraging toolkits from selective inference to quantify uncertainty in statistical machine learning. He also has broad interests in applied data analysis and has worked on collaborative projects in computer science, pub

Yiqun is always excited to learn about opportunities to collaborate, to review, and to give talks! Feel free to drop him a message via email (yiqun.t.chen [at] gmail [dot] com) or book a meeting here .