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Site TitleSite Slogan Around the World in 80 Days Around The World In Eighty Days is an original musical by Yaron Kafkafi based on Jules Verne's novel by the same name. The musical was produced 3 times since 1999 and is scheduled for a 4th revival with The Haifa Theatre by October 2023. Throughout the years, 3 different “all-star” casts played the leading roles, featuring Israel’s best comedians as Passepartout. The 3 productions were praised by the critics and did great at the box office as well. Apart fro

Site TitleSite Slogan DAVID “DAVID” is an epic fantasy pop musical about the Biblical King David . It's Kafkafi's first full-scale musical, its premiere night was on October 20th, 1992. This year David celebrates 30 years to the groupies' delight.

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